It's hard to look forward to this baseball season in Notion City. With only two teams in our current league most are looking to other forms of entertainment this Spring. However, to liven things up a bit the teams have now opened their doors for any and all to try out. That means anyone who has had a desire to step up to the plate, may now do so with either our home team the Notion City Greens or our rivals the Burlington Egrets.
Even more momentous is the decision to allow Fae to now try out for either of the two teams. This comes as a surprise to many who believe that the Fae should not be allowed the chance to play. But both team managers and owners have stated that they feel the decision is in the best interest of the city and its relations with the Fae.
So, far the number of Fae applicants has been low. With the Egrets having only two try out. And the Greens only one. A big fan of the game, Mr. Lump spoke with the Informer during his try out run.
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Small group of prospective players. |
"Without any doubt," said Lump pictured right and in the back. "Baseball is the greatest thing brought to us by man. It is a microcosm in which we learn how to interact with your kind. Others have said that it is your business structure that we can learn more from. But how will talking to each other help us interact?"
"You see, with no war, like so many of our kind has seen, we cannot determine who among us is the physical better. Baseball effectively is our war. But unlike smashing the front line, the rules of the sport require intelligent thought. It's not enough to send the ball out of the park. My placement within the batting rotation is as key as my ability to hit such a tiny target over thousands of yards."
The Greens were a little bit concerned with many areas concerning Mr. Lump. First being his uniform.
"We just don't have guys that big," says team manager Patrick Murphy. "We ended up having to take the biggest uniform we had and get some adjustments made on the fly. Needless to say, if he makes the team we're going to need to have a custom order put in."
Though, Murphy continues to play up what ifs he has trouble holding back the delight he has from fans sneaking in to watch the try outs alone. "We've had worse turn outs turning tournament play. Opening up applications to all was one of the best ideas for bringing in old and new fans alike."
Modest at first, Mr. Lump put on quite a show during the pick up game on the first day of try outs. And within no time had shattered over ten Notion City records. Including highest batting average in one game, .527 and highest RBIs in one game, 13.
The Egrets were not as lucky with their Fae applicants. While stealing third, one stabbed a second baseman. And the other brought his bat along with him in a home run celebration. Both the first and third baseman sustained bludgeoning injuries to the head and torso. While the catcher was at least able to get away.
The Greens only reported one injury caused by Mr. Lump, however, it was not intentional. While coming in off a double Mr. Lump charged, legally, into the catcher attempting to tag him out at home. Mr. Lump was declared safe and the catcher left with only a minor concussion from being flung into the dugout.
All in all, things are certainly shaping up to be an interesting season this year for baseball in Notion City.