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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

They're Real

-Notion City March 6th, 1920 Letters to the Editor

I've heard a lot of speculation that these "creatures" that have been cropping up are not real. A lot of people point to the article from your previous issue decrying these as a hoax, mostly for publicity or just laughs. But I'm here to tell you they are real. And frighteningly so.

I thought nothing of it when my daughter mentioned her new imaginary friend, Mr. Brownie. Children can come up with all sorts of exaggerated stories. And from my understanding, he was quite helpful in getting her to do her chores. Her room has never looked cleaner, so if it got the results done how bad could it be?

That all changed yesterday.

I was passing by her room. It was time for her usual afternoon tea party and she was carrying on a pleasant conversation with Mr. Brownie. The door was open just a crack so I decided to get a peak inside. That's when I finally saw what her imaginary friend looked like. He was squat, no taller than my little girl. Maybe three feet tall. Gangly. Thin limbs which were mostly bone and skin. Yet bulbousy in his belly. He wore clothes from a time long ago, maybe a century.

I only looked at him for a second for the fear of a strange creature in my daughter's room took hold of me. And I burst through the door. But when I came in the room he was no longer there. And my daughter has not seen him since.

My mother used to believe in such things, she said they were around all the time she called them brownies. She died well before my daughters birth. And I never told her such stories. I don't know if the creature was the same as the one my mother told me about all those years ago. And I'm sure people will just write me off as another hoax. But I know that in the back of their minds they'll see they're lying to themselves. Because we've all seen them at some point now. Those creatures from our parents' stories.

Believing Mother

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