Miscellaneous Information

Friday, September 30, 2011

New Players May Bring Spark of Life Back into the Game

-Notion City, April 30th 1921, Sports

It's hard to look forward to this baseball season in Notion City. With only two teams in our current league most are looking to other forms of entertainment this Spring. However, to liven things up a bit the teams have now opened their doors for any and all to try out. That means anyone who has had a desire to step up to the plate, may now do so with either our home team the Notion City Greens or our rivals the Burlington Egrets.

Even more momentous is the decision to allow Fae to now try out for either of the two teams. This comes as a surprise to many who believe that the Fae should not be allowed the chance to play. But both team managers and owners have stated that they feel the decision is in the best interest of the city and its relations with the Fae.

So, far the number of Fae applicants has been low. With the Egrets having only two try out. And the Greens only one. A big fan of the game, Mr. Lump spoke with the Informer during his try out run.

Small group of prospective players.

"Without any doubt," said Lump pictured right and in the back. "Baseball is the greatest thing brought to us by man. It is a microcosm in which we learn how to interact with your kind. Others have said that it is your business structure that we can learn more from. But how will talking to each other help us interact?"

"You see, with no war, like so many of our kind has seen, we cannot determine who among us is the physical better. Baseball effectively is our war. But unlike smashing the front line, the rules of the sport require intelligent thought. It's not enough to send the ball out of the park. My placement within the batting rotation is as key as my ability to hit such a tiny target over thousands of yards."

The Greens were a little bit concerned with many areas concerning Mr. Lump. First being his uniform.

"We just don't have guys that big," says team manager Patrick Murphy. "We ended up having to take the biggest uniform we had and get some adjustments made on the fly. Needless to say, if he makes the team we're going to need to have a custom order put in."

Though, Murphy continues to play up what ifs he has trouble holding back the delight he has from fans sneaking in to watch the try outs alone. "We've had worse turn outs turning tournament play. Opening up applications to all was one of the best ideas for bringing in old and new fans alike."

Modest at first, Mr. Lump put on quite a show during the pick up game on the first day of try outs. And within no time had shattered over ten Notion City records. Including highest batting average in one game, .527 and highest RBIs in one game, 13.

The Egrets were not as lucky with their Fae applicants. While stealing third, one stabbed a second baseman. And the other brought his bat along with him in a home run celebration. Both the first and third baseman sustained bludgeoning injuries to the head and torso. While the catcher was at least able to get away.

The Greens only reported one injury caused by Mr. Lump, however, it was not intentional. While coming in off a double Mr. Lump charged, legally, into the catcher attempting to tag him out at home. Mr. Lump was declared safe and the catcher left with only a minor concussion from being flung into the dugout.

All in all, things are certainly shaping up to be an interesting season this year for baseball in Notion City.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Court Officials to Meet With Notion City Scientists, Improve Energy Efficiency

-Notion City, December 13th 1920, Front Page 

With power outages continuing throughout the city, officials have turned to gaining further assistance from Faery. Though not familiar with the concept themselves, representatives from the Fire and Air Courts have agreed to meet with scientists and see what assistance they might be able to offer.

Many citizens are questioning the cost of our constant reliance Fae goods or knowledge. And in turn another set of scientists have splintered off from the community and taken matters into their own hands. Although reports are unconfirmed, this group has begun to push the limits and are using theories widely considered debunked by the scientific community.

Through Fae methods or our own, Notion City residents are in great need of new energy sources. With power fluctuations and coal resources running low many residents are being left without a reliable heat source as we dip into what has been called the "Coldest Winter Ever."

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bloodless Body Baffles Police

-Notion City, September 15th 1920 Local by Eric Parsons, Staff Writer

Early this morning a victim of a hit and run by an automobile was discovered on South street. However, it is not the crime that has investigators digging up clues. Although a considerable amount of trauma was done to the victim, police are surprised to find no blood on the scene.

An eyewitness had come forward to claim that she had seen the man struck by the automobile the night previous. She claimed that the body didn't bleed blood, but rather feathers. Helma Braun, the witness, reported she had seen the victim depart a local speak easy and step into the street before checking for traffic. The automobile struck the victim, and sent him rolling across the car. However, feathers exploded from his body instead of blood. The evidence of her claim she stated blew away in the wind before anyone arrived.

Though police did not reveal the name of the victim they did say that he was one of the recent missing persons who had returned through the Fog from Faery months ago. At this time, they are not suggesting a correlation between the two.

No Fae could be reached for comment, and traffic on South street between 1st and 2nd is closed for the time being. Police are asking that anyone else who may have any reliable information to come forward.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Not All Citizens So Welcoming

-Notion City, September 13th 1920 Local

Not all have made way for the newest residents of Notion City. As more and more safe ways have cropped up through the Fog, both immigrants and emigrants have moved to the other side. However, most Fae are finding human ways difficult especially when many are resistant to the idea.

Shops have begun to designate themselves as for humans only. Barring Fae from making purchases. Certain grocers are still refusing Fae made product, and while showing increased prices still manage to maintain business from those who prefer deal with their own kind.

The greatest piece of history that has sparked the debate of how far we let these people in is the newly opened Morgan Ca’Fae. Human owned. Yet Fae managed and staffed. Much of the menu boasts sweeter fare that have many Notion City residents flocking in. But each day more graffiti is found around the diner, and on occasion more vandalism. The owner and manager both state that they have no intention of changing their operation.

“The times are changing for Notion City and more people need to realize and accept these changes,” states Gregory Wilson, the diner’s owner. “I was met with the same hostility when I opened restaurants that feature other ethnic cooking, and staffed it primarily with those peoples. Cuisine is something that is best known by those who created it. I would not let Italians run a Chinese restaurant. If you want Fae food you would want it prepared, cooked and served by Fae. And the fact that we are still in business, even with costs of cleaning and repair shows that Notion City has a desire for such foods.”

Morgan Ca'Fae Owner Gregory Wilson (Left) and employee.

Wilson believes that in a few years, things will change just as they had for his other restaurants. The vandalism will decrease, but so too will the business. For now, it’s a novelty and controversial, two big sellers for the food industry. But he has serious doubts that he’ll ever need to close, or feel the pressure to hire human staff

Strange Weather Patterns May Have Connections to Faery

-Notion City, September 13th, 1920 Weather by Eric Parsons, Staff Writer

Notion City meteorologists met today with representatives of both the Air and Water Faery Courts to determine the underlying cause of strong thunderstorms which had rocked the Southeastern side of Notion City.

“We believe the problem is stemming from a warm weather system that has appeared just at the edge of our side of the Fog. And a cold weather system that is currently moving through the Fae counterpart.” stated top meteorologist Michael Donovan.

Many meteorologists were theorizing that weather passes through the Fog, just as a person or car might. This would mean that tracking weather conditions will not only cause the need for charting features on our side but the Faery side as well.

Meteorologists are finding the task most daunting though, as equipment often malfunctions within Faery itself. And the shifting nature of the Fog seems to mean that passing through the Fog one day does not guarantee that the same will hold true the next.

“We could be looking at having a warm spring day, then immediately followed by a blizzard like winter,” says Donovan. “Citizens should take care to always be prepared and dressed in layers, should the temperature shift dramatically during the day.”

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mayor Addresses Notion City, Surprising Events

-Notion City, March 7th, 1920 Front Page

Mayor McCarthy
Mayor McCarthy took the podium outside City Hall today to alleviate the growing concerns of Notion City residents. He began his speech with a glowing compliment to the town itself for enduring the hardship that it had. "Never have I been more impressed by a city that has stood together in the face of adversity," said McCarthy. "We could have had rioting and overturned cars. But instead, the people here put their anger and frustration down with a pen. I took all that criticism to heart and immediately began to look for a way to solve our woes." He went on to state that our rough times had ended. And invited a young woman to the podium.

The woman classified herself as a representative from the world on the other side of the Fog, bringing shock from much of the onlookers. She further claimed the disappearances were caused by some strange connection of the Fog between our world and hers, people merely stumbling through this pseudo-gateway the Fog has caused. She gave no name, stating she was merely the most well respected emissary for her people.

Mystery Woman with Mayor McCarthy

"We're truly sorry for what has occurred here. Many of yours had disappeared, those found are being returned. I'm sorry to say that not all may be found though. Our world is a harsh and dangerous place, some of our more dangerous residents have already escaped into your world. However, as we are in a similar situation we see no reason that there cannot be a relationship between our two races. We will begin supplying this city with food in days. Our resources are abundant, and once safe we encourage visitation to our world. It is a beautiful place, as we have found yours to be. And hope soon to visit more often."

The mayor was quick to explain that negotiations had been put in place a day beforehand. And assured citizens all would be changed for the better. The press would be allowed to meet further representatives of this other world, along with the general public in the weeks to come as further negotiations between our peoples were made. The Informer tried to get a more personal comment from the Mayor but he declined to speak to us.

Other members of the City council refused to comment as well, leaving much of the press and the citizens in the dark about these new arrangements and any contracts made between the two people. Though, they did at least state that after all had been complete full disclosure would be made to the press and thus to the people.

The emissary of the, what many residents are already calling, Fae departed before the Informer could reach her for comment and no other known source for these people has been made public. However, plans have been made to send one intrepid reporter through the Fog and not only return with a statement from some governing body upon the other side, but also a look into the way of life for these people whom we now share a common situation.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Missing Persons Appear Exiting Fog

-Notion City, March 7th, 1920 Front Page

After over weeks of disappears a few people have been reported as returning to their homes. The police had informed us that many missing persons reports have been dropped by those who submitted them. When reached for comment many of those people have responded that their loved ones have returned to them.

Though, many have also been admitted to the hospital. While happy of their return, many are now concerned for the mental health of those lost. Most were reported as having hallucinations among other symptoms of mental illness while on the other side of the Fog. Some who had disappeared from the start even claimed that they had only been gone five minutes.

However odd these occurrences might be there seem to be no common themes other than some form of hallucination and time distortion. However, some claim to have even been gone months. These symptoms are baffling doctors, who are struggling to determine what sort of effects the Fog is having on the minds of these individuals.

We were able to sit down and talk with one of the returned individuals.

"It was a strange place," remarked David Kelly, a middle aged grocer. "I remember I was driving out of town to get my produce when out of no where, I was on some mountain pass just missing the cliff's edge. I got out and looked behind me. But the city was gone. I wandered maybe for days, until I was greeted by this creature."

Mr. Kelly continued at the length about the creature and it was difficult to not see the similarities between this and other creatures who have begun to appear throughout the city. Still no word from city officials yet, though the Mayor's speech is tonight. Perhaps he is simply waiting until that time to make a statement.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

They're Real

-Notion City March 6th, 1920 Letters to the Editor

I've heard a lot of speculation that these "creatures" that have been cropping up are not real. A lot of people point to the article from your previous issue decrying these as a hoax, mostly for publicity or just laughs. But I'm here to tell you they are real. And frighteningly so.

I thought nothing of it when my daughter mentioned her new imaginary friend, Mr. Brownie. Children can come up with all sorts of exaggerated stories. And from my understanding, he was quite helpful in getting her to do her chores. Her room has never looked cleaner, so if it got the results done how bad could it be?

That all changed yesterday.

I was passing by her room. It was time for her usual afternoon tea party and she was carrying on a pleasant conversation with Mr. Brownie. The door was open just a crack so I decided to get a peak inside. That's when I finally saw what her imaginary friend looked like. He was squat, no taller than my little girl. Maybe three feet tall. Gangly. Thin limbs which were mostly bone and skin. Yet bulbousy in his belly. He wore clothes from a time long ago, maybe a century.

I only looked at him for a second for the fear of a strange creature in my daughter's room took hold of me. And I burst through the door. But when I came in the room he was no longer there. And my daughter has not seen him since.

My mother used to believe in such things, she said they were around all the time she called them brownies. She died well before my daughters birth. And I never told her such stories. I don't know if the creature was the same as the one my mother told me about all those years ago. And I'm sure people will just write me off as another hoax. But I know that in the back of their minds they'll see they're lying to themselves. Because we've all seen them at some point now. Those creatures from our parents' stories.

Believing Mother

Monday, September 12, 2011

Local Man Mauled by Bear

-Notion City March 6th, 1920 Local

Late last night near the 18th street bridge just at the edge of the Fog a local man was killed by what appeared to be a bear attack. Although, city officials refused to comment on where this bear originated from, the Notion City National Zoo did state that recently one of their grizzlies had some how escaped.

Police will not release the man's name until his identification can be made and family members notified. The process they say is taking time because of his wounds identification has been difficult. And with so many disappearances around the city it's been hard to accurately discover anyone fitting what remains of this man's description.

There is an alternate theory flowing down the rumor mill as that this attack is one of many that have become common with these "creatures" speculated to be coming from the Fog. The Mayor himself has come out to say that such allegations are wild and will only continue further cause panic within the populace. He went on to further state that he will be holding a press conference tomorrow to alleviate the citizens of Notion City.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pick Up Game Delights All

-Notion City, March 3rd, 1920 Sports

Still stranded after their away game three weeks ago, the Burlington Egrets decided to challenge the home team, Notion City Greens, to a free game for all who could attend. With clear skies seen the first time in a few days, many were in attendance. And, although most were turned away at the door, everyone managed to find a way to watch the exciting match even if it meant standing on your friend's shoulders to peek over the fence.

The Burlington Egrets have been eager to return home since the Fog first descended.

"It's hard, ya know?" says right fielder Greg Thomas. "We've got family outside waiting for us, God knows what they're thinking happened to us." While many do have friends and family on the outside, the Egrets say it's even harder if you're not from Notion City. And the ones you love are outside of it.

"I really miss my family," catcher Dean Harris states, "I got two little girls. It tears me up each day that passes I don't get to see them."

Only a short time has passed since the Metropolitan Police have put a halt on all traffic through the Fog. Stranding the Burlington Egrets, as well as many others visiting Notion City for all manner of reasons.

The game went on for nine solid innings and, although no one kept score, the Notion City Greens admitted defeat graciously. The Egrets appreciate the gesture as well as the good will shown to them by all of our fair City while they stay and hold out hope.

Monday, September 5, 2011

An Open Suggestion to the Mayor

-Notion City, March 1, 1920 Letters to the Editor

Remove your head from the cavernous hole you've managed to shove it. You're idea to use the previous census for distribution of these food tickets is one of the most idiotic ideas I've heard in my lifetime. My wife and I were just married back in 1910, the last census. You want to take a guess at what has happened since then? Well, we've had two boys. Yes, that's right. Our family of two went to four within ten years. I know, that's amazing given the stretch of time.

Who'd have ever thought that possible? We certainly didn't see it coming! But now here's the real kicker. We've got to figure out how to feed the four of us on tickets allotted for two people. Fortunately, we've determined a fair way of doing this. The boys get breakfast, we get dinner and then we alternate lunches.

Yes, on some days my children eat one meal a day. Now, why am I being so selfish? Shouldn't the boys get the lunch and the parents only have one meal every day?

It's a little difficult having the energy to work a construction site on one meal a day. Especially, when the pressure around your head is causing you to think more of these towering bits of steel is a better use of tax payer money, and a better use of the fertile land. You're absolutely right. We should simply get rid of anything that would conceivably put more food in the hands of your growing populace.

You would not believe how many times I had to edit this letter. Mainly I did it so that I could be sure it would be posted. I'll be glad when this is all over, you'll receive a more personal letter, any remaining tickets we have (unlikely) and swift instruction on how they may be used to fill the hole your head is currently occupying.

Yours angrily,
Irate father of two who voted for you

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sightings of Strange Creatures in City.

Three "creatures" spotted in Center City Park February 29, 1920

Photo courtesy of Dr. Henry Greenbriar of Notion City University.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Disappearances Continue, Affects City

-Notion City February 20th, 1920 Front Page

The Notion City Metropolitan Police Department issued a report today on the increasing number of Missing Persons, stating that while evidence shows an overwhelming percentage of these cases have involved the fog surrounding the City that people should not panic or worry. When last checked visibility was near blindness when passing through the fog. It is more than likely that these missing individuals have merely lost themselves in the thickness of it.

Also, they state that under no circumstances should anyone search for those lost in the fog. Search parties are being organized, and anyone attempting to search the fog on their own would only be putting themselves and, potentially, others at risk.

Although the report states to remain calm, many people have become concerned over the various goods, such as food and supplies, that were brought in from the other side of the fog. With many companies shutting down transportation for safety of their drivers, and no new vehicles passing through the fog from the other side, many fear that we do not have enough food to sustain the city. The mayor has taken action to prevent shopkeepers from gouging prices as well as placing limits upon the amount of items one may buy.

To ensure this proceeds fairly, tickets are being issued to Notion City residents. These will come in the form of a small book, for say each unit of milk or bread you buy, you must also provide the requisite ticket to the vendor it is purchased from. Ticket books will be issued based upon the previous census.